The Stage 32 Videos: Short Films

Essential | Award-Winning Short Film | Teaser #2

Teaser trailer for the multiple award-winning short drama, "Essential", starring Lauren Michelle Morgan, Robert X. Golphin and introducing Channing Brisbane.

Sinister / Laneth

Sinister / Laneth A #MelisaFilm #HorrorMovie #MadeWithBlender #blender3d #b3d #3dart #blendercommunity #blendereevee #digitalart #cgart #blendercentral #digitalart_network #3DAnimation #blenderguru #Blender28 #3DArtist #WorldOfDeath #KorkuFilmi #KısaFilm #ShortMovie #IgTV #igtvmovie @blendercentral @blenderartists @blendernation @blender.share @blenderhub @3dfordesigners @3dgods @3dblendered


This is "TOM GENTLE ESFF interview" by RPP PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


A semi-finailst in the July 2017 LA CINEFEST! A war film about the enemy. Featuring, in order of appearance,Taylor Elizabeth Claman and Alyssa Cokinis with Colleen Reynolds and Henry Parizek. Written, produced and directed by Bill Albert. Special thanks to PATV 18 in Iowa City.

Coffee Break Season 5 Episode 9 Filmmaker Shawna Khorasani

Welcome to Season 5 of Coffee Break. This is Episode 9 with filmmaker Shawna Khorasani. Shawna specializes in telling LGBTQ stories especially but she has a great grasp on storytelling and preparing to tell those stories. As evidence by her answers to our 5 questions this season. Hope you enjoy her answers and check out all she is doing out there afterwards. SHAWNA' S LINKS: The Adventures of Serena Berg episode playlist Darren Short Film Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Lover Girl on Facebook: Lover Girl on Instagram: Coffee Break Season 5 Questions: 1. What is the point within your creative process that you decide more times than not a character’s fate? 2. Once you have a character’s fate decided, how often (give us a percentage) would you say that fate has changed? 3. What was the main reason for the change, fans or the actors who love and are playing them convince you, you fall in or out of love with them, the story shifts while editing, or your editor has made you change it because it makes more sense to go the other direction or you worked it out in rehearsal and they shifted the story that way? 4. Tell us about 1 character you came particularly fond of or grew to despise that you flushed out more for your film then originally expected and how with that character you went about giving them the depth you needed to make sure the audience stood up and took notice? 5. Give us a non-spoiler moment in which a character spoke out against your judgment and changed something benign but that ultimately might turn into a big deal?

Film Editing Reel 2019 | Narrative Fiction

A demo reel featuring some of my best and latest work in narrative film editing. For more, visit:

Long Demo Reel

In this video, I have gathered many of my previous works and put them all together. Please note, all this is technically an actors demo reel, it is NOT a pro...


At the little old man's bakery after a day at Phonicsville's beach.

Ken Kiambi Film Show Reel till 2018 Short.avi

This is a show reel of films that I have written and had produced except for Double Vengeance where I was called to direct. These are films that have been done since mid 2016 till late 2018. This year, there's more to come. To watch the full films, check out my YouTube channel while you there, please subscribe, like, and leave a comment.


Hello Everyone, I am an Actor turned Producer from New Jersey. My short film is titled Proof. Proof is a film about a young couple that celebrates their love and their individual and shared struggles, in a world where immigration becomes an increasingly polarized and polarizing societal issue. Directed by Nora Jaenecki, and starring Preeti Gupta, and Jacopo Rampini in lead. Please enjoy the short trailer of the film. We will submit this to the festivals next year. Please let me know what you think of the film. I will share more images and videos in the days to come.

Our Movie Chosen for WORLD OF DEATH Ep. 131. Episode:…

WORLD OF DEATH is a compilation of short horror films that will terrorize, astonish, disturb, and excite genre fans across the globe. Two new episodes stream...

Sides | Award Winning Short Film

The story of two best friends on opposite sides of the Civil War.
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